
Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phase 2: Evaluate

This phase of the blueprint, Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models, will help you review and understand the features, downsides, and differences between the top...

Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phase 1: Educate

This Phase of the blueprint will help you understand the IaaS basics, terminologies, purchasing options, licensing requirements, hybrid options, support, and organization...

Slash Spending by Optimizing Your Software Maintenance and Support – Phase 1: Evaluate

This phase of the blueprint, Slash Spending by Optimizing Your Software Maintenance and Support, will help you understand your M&S commitments, contractual obligations,...

Slash Spending by Optimizing Your Software Maintenance and Support – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you create a prioritized software M&S inventory, then leverage it to measure the value of your M&S spend. It includes how to optimize spend or...

Slash Spending by Optimizing Your Software Maintenance and Support – Phase 3: Optimize

This phase of the blueprint, Slash Spending by Optimizing Your Software Maintenance and Support, will help you create a well- formed strategy to reduce spend and or...

Slash Spending by Optimizing Your Software Maintenance and Support – Phase 2: Establish

This phase of the blueprint, Slash Spending by Optimizing Your Software Maintenance and Support, will provide a deeper overview of your M&S requirements based on actual...

Modernize Your Applications – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you adopt the right application modernization techniques to meet your business and IT objectives.

Modernize Your Applications – Phase 1: Set Your Vision

This phase of the blueprint, Modernize Your Applications, will help you set the appropriate expectations for application modernization.

Modernize Your Applications – Phase 2: Identify Your Modernization Opportunities

This phase of the blueprint, Modernize Your Applications, will help you identify the value streams and business capabilities that will gain the most from application...

Modernize Your Applications – Phase 3: Plan Your Modernization

This phase of the blueprint, Modernize Your Applications, will help you build a practical and achievable modernization roadmap.
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