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Use this template to complete a RASCI chart (Responsible, Accountable, Supported, Consulted, and Informed).

Asia Letter, Q3 2017: Cuban Cigars in China, Chinese Cars in Mexico

In this week's discussion, Scott Foster lays out a perspective that may be up for some debate, but which is almost certainly exactly how Singapore, China, Japan, and the...

PPM Strategic Plan Template

This template will help you compose a comprehensive PPM strategy. It includes an executive brief to establish the need for PPM, a plan for process improvement, and an...

PPM Strategy-Process Goals Translation Matrix Template

This tool will help you engage the executive layer or the project steering committee, who ultimately own the project portfolio, to set the goals, metrics, and targets.

Project Portfolio Analyst / PMO Analyst

Use this template to help hire a project portfolio analyst for your organization.

Industry Reference Architecture for Local Government

Leading organizations require a unified and validated view of business capabilities that aligns initiatives, investments, and strategy in order to compete in their industry.

PPM Strategy Development Tool

This tool will help you assess your current and target PPM capability levels, explore tool options, and analyze costs and benefits.

Special Letter: Venture Investing in Deep Science

In this week's issue, Doug Jamison and Steve Waite explore when venture funds are drawn into profitless get-rich-quick social networking schemes and are not available for...

The Real China Plan – Part I: Going Out

Contrary to Western (and Asian) media stories on the issue of China's behavior, and to the many media stories planted by China on its actions and intentions, the...

Build a Business Case to Improve Change Management Quick Guide

This quick guide is designed to help you build a business case to implement a change management process.
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