Info-Tech in the News

thumbnail for Globe and Mail - Do iPhones have what it takes?
Nov 22, 2010

Globe and Mail - Do iPhones have what it takes?

(22-Nov-10) When Apple launched the iPhone in 2007, information technology experts declared it unsuitable for business use – not least because of security concerns. That’s changed. The iPhone and more recent iPad are now credible business options, declares Forrester Research. Recent figures...

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thumbnail for ITWorld Canada - The difference between searching and finding
Nov 09, 2010

ITWorld Canada - The difference between searching and finding

(9-Nov-10) There’s a disconnect in how data is viewed in the business because while Canadian execs demand more and faster access to data, they don’t see data as anything more than a mere consequence of doing business. A new global study by Seattle, Wash.-based software vendor Avanade Inc. foun...

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thumbnail for CIO Magazine - How FedEx Improved Security, Eased Access
Nov 02, 2010

CIO Magazine - How FedEx Improved Security, Eased Access

(2-Nov-10) Delivering packages to customers in a timely fashion takes more than a good shipping label. In the case of FedEx (FDX), employees often need special IDs to make deliveries, such as the Secure Identification Display Area (SIDA) badges required to access restricted airport areas. For...

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thumbnail for ITBusiness - Lax privacy rules get Google off the hook
Oct 29, 2010

ITBusiness - Lax privacy rules get Google off the hook

(29-Oct-10) Weaknesses in privacy legislation both in Canada and the U.S. helped Google escape with a mere slap on the wrist over the StreetView WiFi snooping snafu, according to tech and privacy experts. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission, on Wednesday said it has closed its investigation into...

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thumbnail for Yahoo! News Canada - Even faster wireless networks coming on stream
Oct 27, 2010

Yahoo! News Canada - Even faster wireless networks coming on stream

(27-Oct-10) Canadian Press; MONTREAL - Way faster and smoother, too. High-def streaming of movies, full-screen video chatting and multi-player gaming — all on smartphones, computer tablets and other devices — will be snappier on new wireless network technology when it becomes widely adopted. ...

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thumbnail for TechNewsWorld - Adobe Gives Enterprise a New Set of App-Building Tools
Oct 25, 2010

TechNewsWorld - Adobe Gives Enterprise a New Set of App-Building Tools

(25-Oct-10) Adobe (Nasdaq: ADBE) has released version 2.5 of Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite, which delivers more interactivity, as well as three new solution accelerators and a batch of new mobility features. The rollout is significant from a big picture perspective, Chris Ethier, group mana...

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thumbnail for CBC - Tricks to trim your long-distance bills
Oct 22, 2010

CBC - Tricks to trim your long-distance bills

If you think travelling abroad for business is expensive, try phoning home. Subscribers to Canada's major mobile carriers typically pay about $2 per minute in roaming charges when travelling overseas — sometimes more, depending on the country and the carrier — and around $1.50 in the U.S. Plus...

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thumbnail for Bloomberg BW - Oracle's Larry Ellison Beats Up on His Rivals, Again
Oct 06, 2010

Bloomberg BW - Oracle's Larry Ellison Beats Up on His Rivals, Again

(6-Oct-10) Thank heavens for Larry Ellison. Without the smack-talking Oracle (ORCL) co-founder and chief executive officer, the $1 trillion-a-year enterprise computing market would merely be huge, crucial—and boring. Oracle and fellow tech titans like IBM (IBM), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), and Cisco S...

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thumbnail for Tech Target - Are packaged business analytics tools right for your organization?
Oct 05, 2010

Tech Target - Are packaged business analytics tools right for your organization?

(5-Oct-10) Technology professional Sri Vemparala believes that it’s important to choose analytics tools based on how well they support business needs. But he also understands that, oftentimes, the business doesn’t know exactly what it needs from analytic applications. That’s why Vemparala, man...

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