Info-Tech in the News

thumbnail for Network World - Virtualized software: Licensing terms run the gamut
Sep 16, 2010

Network World - Virtualized software: Licensing terms run the gamut

(16-Sept-10) When Dataprise, an IT services company, helped a customer with a desktop virtualization project last year, it found itself dealing with desktop virtualization's dirty little secret: No one -- including vendors -- seems to know how to license the software. Having run a successful p...

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thumbnail for Bloomberg Businessweek - Google Web Calling Needs Mobile, Business Support, Analysts Say
Aug 27, 2010

Bloomberg Businessweek - Google Web Calling Needs Mobile, Business Support, Analysts Say

(27-Aug-10) Google Inc. needs to add more mobile capabilities and support for business customers to its new Internet-calling service to compete with Skype Technologies SA and rival Web-phone providers, analysts said. Google’s Gmail, the third-largest e-mail site with 186 million users worldwid...

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thumbnail for Information Week - 5 Reasons SMBs Should Adopt Videoconferencing
Aug 19, 2010

Information Week - 5 Reasons SMBs Should Adopt Videoconferencing

In the past, videoconferencing technology has largely been out of reach of most small and midsize business. It was too expensive, too complex, and too inconsistent for them to deploy. Recently, vendors have overcome many of those hurdles, so SMBs are now embracing the technology. Following ar...

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thumbnail for Financial Post - Ninety per cent of Canadian organizations using social media
Aug 16, 2010

Financial Post - Ninety per cent of Canadian organizations using social media

(16-Aug-10) Public sector executives more likely to say it's the top means of public engagement than private TORONTO (CNW) - The vast majority of Canadian executives at large and mid-sized organizations say that social media has the potential to impact their corporate brand and as a result are pl...

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thumbnail for ITWorld Canada - Saudi deal won't affect Canadian BlackBerry users
Aug 10, 2010

ITWorld Canada - Saudi deal won't affect Canadian BlackBerry users

(10-Aug-10) BlackBerry users in Canada and the U.S. needn’t worry about Research in Motion Ltd.’s negotiations with countries like Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, India and Lebanon affecting the security of their devices, analysts say. “It’s highly unlikely there will be any significant changes if yo...

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thumbnail for ITBusiness - Threats of BlackBerry ban a wake up call for business travelers
Aug 09, 2010

ITBusiness - Threats of BlackBerry ban a wake up call for business travelers

(8-Sept-10) Whether government officials and Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM) executives are able to avert possible restrictions on BlackBerry use in the Middle East and Southeast Asia or not, the threat of a ban on the popular handset should serve as a wake up call for Canadian business travelers a...

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thumbnail for McLeans Magazine - The end of channel surfing, thanks to Netflix
Aug 05, 2010

McLeans Magazine - The end of channel surfing, thanks to Netflix

(5-Aug-10) For Canadians, the idea of watching television or movies over the Internet has not yet caught on in a big way. And that’s partly because there has so far been relatively little on the Web for us to watch (many popular U.S. sites like are blocked to Canadian surfers to protect ...

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thumbnail for Winnipeg Free Press - Will customers carry Torch?
Aug 04, 2010

Winnipeg Free Press - Will customers carry Torch?

(4-Aug-10) Ralph de la Vega, president and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets, holds the new BlackBerry Torch during a product introduction Tuesday in New York. RESEARCH In Motion officially unveiled its latest smartphone Tuesday, a new touchscreen model with a slide-out keyboard designed...

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thumbnail for Toronto Star - ISPs respond to pressures by limiting users
Aug 04, 2010

Toronto Star - ISPs respond to pressures by limiting users

(4-Aug-10) High school teacher-in-training Demos Antonopoulos does just about everything over the net, including watching movies, gaming, surfing on his iPhone and downloading music. So you can imagine Antonopoulos’ relief when he learned a recent tweak in Internet offerings by his service pro...

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