Info-Tech in the News

thumbnail for ChannelPro Magazine - Going Diskless: Thin Is In
Jul 12, 2010

ChannelPro Magazine - Going Diskless: Thin Is In

As interest in desktop virtualization heats up, so do opportunities for thin clients. Although a customer doesn’t have to be considering a push into desktop virtualization to be a candidate for thin clients, thin-client computing fits hand in glove with desktop virtualization. In such a scenario,...

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thumbnail for ConnectIT - Atmos Online offering shutdown signals caution on cloud services
Jul 05, 2010

ConnectIT - Atmos Online offering shutdown signals caution on cloud services

(5-Jul-10) EMC's announcement that it plans to shut down Atmos Online for production usage and limit it strictly to a development environment has provided a cautionary note for enterprises looking at cloud services, and for smaller players looking to monetize the cloud. That's the view of Info-Te...

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thumbnail for CNS Magazine - IT managers & the Quest
Jul 01, 2010

CNS Magazine - IT managers & the Quest

(1-Jul-10) Info-Tech Research Group deserves kudos for launching a new competition aimed strictly at the often beleaguered IT manager. The London, Ont. research firm recently announced the winners of its first, but not last, Quest for Canada's Smartest IT, a campaign that resulted in 70 nomina...

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thumbnail for ComputerWorld - New technologies mean shorter server life cycles
Jun 29, 2010

ComputerWorld - New technologies mean shorter server life cycles

(29-Jun-10) Alan Bourassa, CIO of EmpireCLS, a limousine service in Secaucus, N.J., is a man on a tight schedule. He has tied his company's 64 server blades to a three-year replacement cycle, a fast-paced strategy that he feels has become essential in this era of rapid technological change and un...

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thumbnail for Destination CRM - No One-Stop Shop for Social
Jun 11, 2010

Destination CRM - No One-Stop Shop for Social

(11-Jun-10) You'd have to be downright antisocial not to have noticed the current level of activity in the social software ecosystem. In fact, says Tim Hickernell, lead analyst for Info-Tech Research Group, the marketplace has begun shifting so rapidly that Info-Tech's first-ever Social CRM Lands...

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thumbnail for CIO - Web Analytics: Turn Customer Feedback into Sales
Jun 09, 2010

CIO - Web Analytics: Turn Customer Feedback into Sales

(9-Jun-10) Matan Armoni didn’t need a prescription to see that visitors to online eyeglass retailer were getting fed up and abandoning their shopping carts. Armoni, EyeBuy’s e-commerce director, had a hunch that the problem stemmed from the site’s virtual imaging tool, EyeTry...

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thumbnail for CTV News - Feds may loosen foreign ownership in wireless industry
Jun 06, 2010

CTV News - Feds may loosen foreign ownership in wireless industry

(6-Jun-10) Canada's wireless industry could be lined up for a dose of competitive fervour if Ottawa launches its anticipated loosening of foreign ownership restrictions and throws open the doors to outside investors in the coming months. Analysts widely anticipate that Industry Minister Tony ...

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thumbnail for EDTECH Magazine - At Your Service
May 27, 2010

EDTECH Magazine - At Your Service

(27-May-10) What comes first when IT departments strive to develop customer-focused organizations? Is it buy-in from top management or the software tool? At George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., the two concepts work hand-in-glove. Top IT management sees to it that the IT staff receives cus...

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thumbnail for IT World Canada - This e-mail message will self-destruct in ...
May 25, 2010

IT World Canada - This e-mail message will self-destruct in ...

(25-May-10) Technology that promises highly secure, confidential and self-destructing messages over the Internet isn’t only available to top secret intelligence agents. Chicago, Ill.-based VaporStream Inc., which released its first demo of the VaporStream non-documentable e-mail service in 200...

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