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Identify and Reduce Agile Contract Risk

Discover the differences between Agile and non-Agile contracts and how to protect yourself.

  • Customer maturity levels with Agile are low, with 67% of organizations using Agile for less than five years.
  • Customer competency levels with Agile are also low, with 84% of organizations stating they are below a high level of competency.
  • Contract disputes are the number one or two types of disputes faced by organizations across all industries.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Agile contracts require different wording and protections than traditional or waterfall contracts.
  • Agile buzzwords by themselves do not create an Agile contract.
  • There is a delicate balance between being overly prescriptive in an Agile contract and too lax.

Impact and Result

  • Identify options for Agile contract provisions.
  • Manage Agile contract risk by selecting the appropriate level of protections for an Agile project.
  • Harness the power of Agile development and collaboration with the vendor while preserving contractual flexibility.
  • Focus on the correct contract clauses to manage Agile risk.

Identify and Reduce Agile Contract Risk Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should treat Agile contracts differently from traditional or waterfall contracts, and review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the twelve contract clauses that are different for Agile contracts.

1. Identify and evaluate options

Use the information in this blueprint and Info-Tech’s Agile Contract Playbook-Checklist to review and assess your Agile contracts, ensuring that the provisions and protections are suitable for Agile contracts specifically.


About Info-Tech

Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your IT problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.

Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 1-phase advisory process. You'll receive 7 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

  • Call 1: Review definitions and glossary terms; discuss scope.
  • Call 2: Discuss governance issues and concerns.
  • Call 3: Review pricing methodologies.
  • Call 4: Evaluate term and termination options.
  • Call 5: Discuss key personnel concepts and potential deliverables categories.
  • Call 6: Review acceptance and warranties.
  • Call 7: Assess IP-related needs: rights and indemnification.


Phil Bode


  • Jeffrey Altergott, Senior Manager, Vendor Management, National Restaurant Association
  • Larry Millholland, Senior Manager US Procurement, PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Sean Katzen, CEO, Ovations Group
  • Deon van Niekerk, COO, Ovations Group
  • Danie Jansen van Vuuren, CFO, Ovations Group
  • 5 anonymous contributors
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