This tool visualizes your portfolio of infrastructure projects.
Envision the future and analyze constraints.
Building a strategic infrastructure roadmap is a business-driven exercise, not just a technical one.
The death of the mainframe has been greatly exaggerated, and there exists a robust community of partners to support and train the next generation of mainframe users.
An overview of the solutions available to support your mainframe training and skills development needs.
Catalog hardware and software data fields, and issues and opportunities related to data collection.
Understand the capabilities and limitations of asset discovery tools and where they can provide value to your ITAM practice.
Acquire and use discovery tools wisely to populate, update, and validate the data in your ITAM database.
Use this template to determine what information is needed for vetting software requests coming into the organization.
Use this blueprint to create a service request management program that provides immediate value. The template includes the following sections: - Design the Service -...