Infrastructure & Operations

Infra & Ops Metrics Definition Template

This template will provide the means to track data on each metric that enables full lifecycle management.

Infra & Ops Metrics Tracking and Reporting Tool

Leverage this tool as a reporting template.

Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics – Phases 1-2

Measuring business value provided by IT is very challenging. This blueprint will help you achieve a clear metrics project by following our two-phase methodology: assess...

Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics

Organizations often measure business operations and spending, but these measurements may not tackle their main challenges. A meaningful, measurable strategy helps...

Weekly Metrics Review With Your Staff

Provide this template to your senior staff who will be providing metrics data for discussion at weekly status meetings.

Quarterly Metrics Review With the CIO

Use this template to create metrics reports as part of quarterly capacity management/planning review meetings with your CIO and other senior IT management.

Accelerate Your Automation Processes

Defining an automation suite for your organization can be daunting, since trends and product offerings are constantly shifting. Ensure you have the proper data governance...
  • guided implementation icon

Webinar: Improve IT Satisfaction by Standardizing the Service Desk

The service desk is the foundation of all other IT service management processes. For IT to become a strategic and trusted partner to the business, they must stabilize...

Accelerate Your Automation Processes – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to find out why your organization should accelerate your automation processes, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways Info-Tech...

Accelerate your Automation Processes – Phases 1-2

Navigating your way through various automation tools can be a difficult challenge. Choosing the right project according to business needs is essential for IT to provide...
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