Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Phase 2: Design Shift Left Model

This is phase 2 of the Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy blueprint.

Webinar: Create a Right-Sized Disaster Recovery Plan

Organizational resilience today requires a new way of thinking about backups and disaster recovery.

Dynatrace Extends End-to-End Monitoring to Business Value

Dynatrace offers digital business analytics in addition to full stack end-to-end monitoring. The tool’s capabilities work to bridge the gap between infrastructure &...

Dynatrace Offers Service to Improve SDLC

APM vendor Dynatrace is offering a service to help its customers improve their SDLC. This offering aligns with an overall shift in the IT marketplace.

Dynatrace Differentiates Through Ease of Deployment

Dynatrace differentiates its APM solution through ease of deployment. As IT environments continue to become more complex, leading enterprise software vendors will improve...

Noncompliance in O365 or M365 With Microsoft Is as Easy as Counting From One to Three

With lots of functionality being provisioned/deployed at the tenant level, Microsoft is happy to sit back for now, watch, and start auditing in the future.

Stackify Changes Pricing Model for Retrace

Stackify has changed the pricing model for its APM tool, Retrace. This change in pricing is in line with usage-based shifts in technology along with changing architectures.

Virtual Conferences and COVID-19: Early Lessons Learned

COVID-19 has left conference conveners with essentially three options: cancel, reschedule, or go online.

Microsoft Teams Cookbook

Use Info-Tech’s Microsoft Teams Cookbook to successfully implement and use Teams. This cookbook includes recipes for IT best practices for governance over Teams rollout...

Webinar: Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office

IT must quickly identify the must-dos to allow a safe return to the office. During this webinar we will go through how to build a prioritized roadmap for safe reopening...
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