Infrastructure & Operations

Self-Service Portal Checklist

Use this checklist as a self-evaluation of features and criteria to optimize the self-service portal to enable a shift left strategy.

Knowledge Management Workflows

Use this template to document service desk process workflows for knowledge creation, usage, and review.

Shift-Left Action Plan

Use this tool to track and prioritize opportunities and tasks to be completed as part of the shift-left initiative.

Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Phase 2: Design Shift Left Model

This is phase 2 of the Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy blueprint.

Shift-Left Stakeholder Buy-In Presentation

Use this template to build the business case and get everyone on board with the shift-left optimization initiative.

Shift-Left Strategy

Use this template to document the strategy to shift service support left.

Shift-Left Prerequisites Assessment

Use this lightweight tool to assess your current service desk maturity to decide whether to proceed with the shift-left project.

Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Phase 1: Prepare to Shift Left

This is phase 1 of the Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy blueprint.

Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you build a strategy to shift service support left to optimize your service desk operations and increase end-user satisfaction.

Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to understand why a shift-left strategy can help to optimize your service desk, review Info-Tech's methodology, and understand the four...
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