Infrastructure & Operations

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices

Build an effective crisis management plan around a framework that enables your organization to respond to any crisis and manage the impact; from health and safety...
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BCP-DRP Maintenance Checklist

Set a schedule for continuity plan reviews, tests, and updates. Track completed reviews.

Business Continuity Teams and Roles Tool

Track business continuity teams, roles, responsibilities, and key vendors/suppliers.

BCP Relocation Checklists

Use this tool to plan for and coordinate a business relocation to an alternate site or work-from-home.

Build a Cloud Security Strategy – Phase 2: Prioritize Initiatives and Construct a Roadmap

This phase of the blueprint Build an Cloud Security Strategy will help you prioritize and roadmap action items to better secure the cloud.

Cloud Security Strategy Template

This template, part of the blueprint Build a Cloud Security Strategy, will serve as a repository of information about your approach to securing the cloud.

Cloud Security Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

The Information Security Program Gap Analysis Tool will help you systematically understand your current security state.

Build a Cloud Security Strategy – Phase 1: Explore Security Considerations for the Cloud

This phase of the blueprint Build an Cloud Security Strategy will help you identify the action items the organization can take to better secure the cloud.

Build a Cloud Security Strategy – Phases 1-2

This storyboard will help you build a cloud security strategy.

Build a Cloud Security Strategy – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should build a cloud security strategy, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support...
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