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Social Media

Make your social media strategy soar.

Ad hoc Social Media Management causes:

  • Wasted resources on ineffective social media channels.
  • Missed opportunities to capture customer insights.
  • Inconsistent communication to prospects and customers.
  • Insufficient employee guidance for acceptable social media usage.
  • Duplication of effort across business units.
  • Poorly defined roles and responsibilities.

Our Advice

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Social Media Research & Tools

Social Media

A Workshop to Develop Your Strategy

Beyond practical research – workshops get you to results

Workshops: leverage best-practices research and get to action
  • Unlike other research firms, we believe it’s important to help our members implement improvements.
  • We offer a 40-hour workshop that allows you to make systematic improvements to your core processes.
  • Workshops are designed to help focus attention, create alignment, and ensure best practices are put to work at your organization.
  • Our workshops help you get to immediate impact and results and are tailored to your situation and needs.
Workshops: focused on you implementing improvements
  • The goal of each capability optimization workshop is to create tangible benefits and clear improvements as a direct result of the workshop.
  • Specific deliverables, goals, metrics, and outcomes are established for each workshop.
  • Successful workshops will leverage our years of analyst experience and written research to provide an engaging experience that focuses on implementing and getting to measurable results.
  • Each workshop begins by diagnosing the current state and then focuses on designing high-impact improvements based on best-practices research.
  • Three- and six-month follow-ups will occur to ensure benefit realization.
Cycle titled 'Capability Optimization Workshop' with steps 'Diagnose Current State', 'Right-Sizing Process', 'Process Design', 'Implementation Support', and 'Measuring Benefits'.
Info-Tech workshops provide the best practices and implementation support necessary to help an IT leader build a world-class IT operation.

Social media is ubiquitous with your customers: it is imperative to have an active and concerted presence on social!

Social media facilitates the creation and sharing of user-generated content.
  • Social media has rapidly displaced traditional e-channels as consumers’ preferred method of interacting with each other and with organizations.
  • Companies must fish where the fish are.
  • If your customers are social media savvy, having a strategy for leveraging these channels is imperative.
  • Social media channels should be used to complement and strengthen existing customer interaction channels.
A line of social media icons such as hashtags, hearts, and likes.
Social media by the numbers:
  • 58.4% of the world’s population uses social media (Smart Insights, 2022).
  • By 2024, 6 out of every 10 people on the planet will be social media users – that means over 4.75 billion people will have a social network account (FinancesOnline, 2022).
  • Users spend an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes on social media daily (Smart Insights, 2022).
  • The seven most popular social networks in the world (Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and TikTok) all have over 1 billion monthly active users (Statusbrew, 2021).
  • Millennials and Gen-Z are the most “digitally connected” generations. The average millennial and member of Gen-Z has 8.4 social media accounts (Backlinko, 2021).
  • 77% of millennials and Gen-Z shop on social platforms (Forbes, 2021).
  • 97% of marketers are using social media to reach their audiences (LYFE Marketing, 2019).

The social media concept model

Diagram of the social media concept model. 'The Social Cloud' with recognizable platforms is above with 'Engagement' feeding into it from the right and it 'Listening' to the engagers. On the left it connects to the table of 'Social Media Governance' below with columns 'People', 'Processes', and 'Technology'.

An overview of the social media workshop

Module Goals Outcomes
Module 1:
Setting Your Business Objectives for Social Media
  • Understand the business case for using social media across the organization
  • Inventory your current social media efforts
  • Gauge your current social media maturity
  • Identify and prioritize top goals
  • Social Media Current State Assessment
  • Rank-Ordered Social Media Objectives
Module 2:
Leveraging Social Media for Marketing and Sales
  • Effectively map and embed social media into marketing and sales processes
  • Apply best practices for each domain
  • Marketing Assessment and Social Media Business Plan
  • Sales Assessment and Social Media Business Plan
Module 3:
Enable Customer Service Using Social Media
  • Effectively map and embed social media into customer service processes to proactively serve your customer base
  • Apply best practices for customer service
  • Customer Service Assessment and Social Business Plan
  • Social Media Acceptable Use Policy for Service Reps
Module 4:
Technology Enablement for Your Social Media Strategy
  • Select and deploy an SMM and/or social-enabled CRM platform
  • Develop procedures for a world-class social analytics program
  • SMMP RFP and Demo Script
  • Social Analytics Maturity Assessment
Module 5:
Social Media Governance and Change Management
  • Create the right social media governance structures (e.g. the SM Steering Committee)
  • Understand how to communicate change initiatives involving social media
  • Social Media Steering Committee Charter
  • Social Media Usage Policies
  • Change Management Plan

Module 1 – Setting your business objectives for social media

1.1 Harness the Social Media Value Proposition

  • Chart the rise of social for customer interaction
  • Understand the social technology landscape
  • Listen and engage through social media
  • Leverage the power of social influencers

1.2 Assess Current Social Media Efforts

  • Inventory current social media initiatives
  • Assess the current state for social usage
  • Place the organization on the maturity model

1.3 Set Social Media Objectives

  • Understand the goal-setting process
  • Set objectives for marketing, PR, sales, customer service, and human resources
  • Prioritize business objectives

Module 2 (Part 1) – Leveraging social media for marketing

2.1.1 Leverage Social Media for Marketing

  • Engage and listen to your customers
  • Build awareness and capture insights
  • Assess marketing’s maturity for social

2.1.2 Build a Social Channel Market Coverage Model

  • Set brand-level objectives and prioritize
  • Determine social-savvy target markets
  • Build the market coverage model

2.1.3 Optimize Your Brand Message for Social Media

  • Understand social media messaging
  • Tips for creating shareable messages
  • Optimize your message by segment

2.1.4 Capture Market Insights Through Social Channels

  • Use social media for marketing analytics
  • Craft product insight workflows with social
  • Leverage social media for public relations

Module 2 (Part 2) – Leveraging social media for sales

2.2.1 Use Social Media to Sell to Prospects and Customers

  • Review objectives for selling with social media
  • Leverage social media across the sales lifecycle
  • Assess sales’ maturity for social media

2.2.3 Embed Social Media Channels Into the Sales Process

  • Identify points to embed social media
  • Adapt messages for different decision makers

2.2.4 Capture Data Across the Customer Life Cycle

  • Use social analytics for sales enablement
  • Keep CRM data fresh using social media
  • Use social media to upsell DMs

Module 3 – Enable customer service using social media

3.1 Execute Customer Service in a Social World

  • Leverage social for different service types
  • Examine different use cases for social media
  • Gauge current service maturity for social media

3.2 Incorporate Social Media Into Customer-Initiated Service

  • Improve customer-initiated service
  • Build a response plan
  • Determine escalation policies and rules
  • Promote your customer-initiated social media service

3.3 Scan the Social Cloud for Proactive Service Opportunities

  • Take advantage of proactive service
  • Determine keywords and service coverage
  • Map proactive CS workflows
  • Train customer service reps on social media

3.4 Help Your Customers Help Each Other

  • Use peer-to-peer support to manage costs
  • Set your peer-to-peer use case scenarios
  • Rewards and recognition for peer-to-peer
  • Set a policy for CSKM

Module 4 – Technology enablement for social media

4.1 Making the Case for an SMMP

  • Understand the value of an SMMP
  • Integrate SMMP with your CRM
  • Select an SMMP deployment model

4.2 Select a Social Media Management Platform Vendor

  • Review vendor landscape
  • Review RFP template and vendor scoring tool
  • Complete vendor demonstration scripts

4.3 Develop a Social Analytics Business Plan

  • Assess your social analytics maturity
  • Select your social media KPIs
  • Complete the social analytics business plan
Social Media preview picture

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Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

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Ben Dickie

Sean Burkett

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